Design Management Organisational Capability Development
Consistency of approach to the implementation of design management is key to project success. Services for improvement of design management processes and culture include:
- Systems and Process Review
- Standardization and Communication
- Cross-Functional Collaboration
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Best Practice Implementation
- Continuous Improvement
- Digital Integration
- Digitalization of Tools
Change Control Process and Workflow Improvement
BSA requires change across all projects to be identified, assessed, managed, monitored and clearly recorded. For HRB buildings changes need to be formally logged with the Building Control Regulator and in some cases resubmitted for formal approval.
The new regime calls for a widening of the criteria used to evaluate the cost and impact of change, better record keeping and the adoption of early triage mechanisms engineered to prevent project delay due to over engagement with unworthy change ideas.
Design Control can work with your commercial and design management leads to assist in the development of more effective and robust change management mechanisms.
Design Control Academy
Adoption of new or improved tool, process or company standard requires clear communication, briefing and support to be provided to project teams and individuals in order to secure a smooth and successful adoption and business as usual adoption.
Where possible learning and application of principles should be based on real live, real time projects. This provides on time, effective, relatable learning that yields immediate results and improvements on projects.
Cross business project participation ensures consistency of approach across the business. Multifunction attendance to the workshops ensure clear definition and delegation of responsibilities within all members of the project team.
Clarity of brief and integration of functions is key to success of any initiative. We can help you identify and develop team and/or company wide in person or online training to enable best practice principles to be effectively disseminated.
Competency and Designer Performance Management
The BSA and new 2024 Building Regulations revisions place important emphasis on all duty holders ensuring they, those who they employ and those who they are working with have the right level of competence to carry out the tasks they are assigned to do.
BSA and many competency management tools provide a clear and strong starting point for companies to adopt and/or develop clear and efficient competence evaluation and monitoring mechanisms. However these tools and principles must be tailored to each companies role specific expectations and requirements.
Design Control are experienced in the facilitation of workshops that can be run for different functions to enable the adoption of existing tools that are complaint with the regulation.
It is beneficial also to link the findings to PDR reviews, employee career progressions and, where necessary, larger scale business wide training or upskilling as correct assessment of staff competence will reveal company wide trends.
Finally, devising a mechanism to showcase the combined competence of the teams working on projects and overall organisational capability in bids requires some thought.