Design Maturity
Assessing and understanding the level of maturity and completeness of design at an early stage of a tender or key design stage, enables the team to:
- evaluate the work carried out to date
- identify risks, shortfalls, gaps
- identify level of alignment between different disciplines
- identify suitability of the information in reference to the project stage activities
- confidently plan design activities ahead
- maintain a cohesive approach and direction of travel within the team.
Design Maturity assessments run as a workshop involving key members of the project team is an expedient way of enabling reliable, team driven, assessments and critical decision making in a short period of time.
Commerical Strategy for Design
Once the team has agreed and recorded the alignment of the design maturity against stage specific project needs, deliverables and expectations, they can proceed to agree how to address any issues, risks or shortfalls identified and agree together, how best to approach design development moving forward.
Once agreed, the ‘Commercial Strategy for Design’ sets the basis for the development of project documents and requirements within each project function and discipline. Based on an agreed approach, the team can split up to work on the their respective functional areas having a clear understanding of what is needed in each of their areas to enable development of design and address any gaps identified resulting in more aligned tender action, documentation and streamlined approach (and cost) to development of design in post tender/post appointment project phase.
Design Maturity Workshops
Design Control Design Maturity Workshops can de run for a specific project at any stage and for any purpose. This 2.5 hour workshop is best run two weeks after receipt of design information to ensure all key stakeholders have had a change to review and formulate their own opinion of the design. It is best run as a face to face event with all key members of the project manager, commercial manager and project team members present.
The workshop covers:
- Introduction to workshop objectives and rules of engagement
- Group wide findings in the design
- Discussion regarding suitability of use for the different project functions
- Identification of gaps, issues and shortfalls.
- Agreement and recording of strategy to address these shortfalls
- Assignment of specific issue/design/tender management task to help address gaps
- Agreement of closing meeting
Services available include:
1. Running workshop on a project specific basis
2. Trainign teams to run the workshops.
3. Developing orgnaisational capability to establish the workflow as part of established project reviews or preconstruction tender action.